System Analysis

The Company expertise is in the analysis and development of real-time systemsradarsonar, vision (IR and visible), robotic and industrial control systems, wireless digital communications, telecommunications and sensor networks.

The Company has 45 years of experience in system analysis (performance evaluation and optimization, assessment of system limits and constraints, system behavioural simulation). It is engaged in designing and developing hard real-time systems where multi-core or multi-processor architectures are needed, in International Projects (wireless communication UMTS, LTE, WiMAX, cooperative networks for the next WiMAX), in tactical networks stealth analysis and jamming and in large system simulation for network centric operations.

Dune provides support along the entire system life-cycle (architecture, requisite and specification definition, timing evaluation, system simulation, optimization and validation, activities, revision of critical points and project changes, testing and integration in the final environment) and provides the system documentation according to the Standard UNI ISO 9001:2015.

The company expertise ranges from embedded systems based on DSP (Analog Device ADSP 21062, Sharc, Hammerhead, Tiger Sharc) and FPGA (Altera and Xilinx) to PPC solutions (Mercury HCD5220, MCH6, Vantage G4, Motorola MV6100, Thales, Radstone VANTEGRA-DL, Janz and ICS I/O boards) on VME and VXS racks. Dune is included in the Analog device Third party developers program for processors and Dsp

The Company also deals successfully with real-time O.S. (VxWorks, LinxOs, MCOE and MCOS Mercury), exchanges protocols (LAN, RapidIO, RACE++, RACE, PCI Express), development tools (Matlab, Visual C++, Visual DSP, Mathlink EDS, LabView, Simulink, Analog Devices ADSP21xxx Macro-assembler, Texas Instruments TMS360Cxx Macro-assembler) and the related developing languages (C, C++, VHDL, Altivec, Assembler, Fortran, Pascal) under Windows, Linux, Unix, VAX/VMS environments.